Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Little things

It's the little things in life that seem to make the difference. 
The difference between making a light or not.
The difference between waiting in a long line or not.

Getting a good grade or a bad grade on an important exam.
Whether there is good ice cream or not in the dining court. 
If there are enough cookies for everyone to eat.
You get the idea.

Anyways, I have been extremely observant the last few days. This really isn't much out of the ordinary, I always remember the most minute details. But I have noticed a lot of things lately, like the ones above. Although to be honest, there hasn't been an issue with the cookies. 

It's crazy though how the little things can make or break my day. My hair doesn't go the way I want it to, bad day. The sun is shining, good day. Strange, isn't it? I would think that the day to day is just mundane. But maybe it's those little extra things that make life bearable, and not too boring. Just some food for thought.

1 comment:

Kaitlyn Beer said...

you are the most observant person I know.
cookies have the effect of making or breaking my day too. don't worry you're not alone :)

love, kbizzle fo shizzle