Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dairy Queen

Routines define my life.

At any given time of the day, I could probably tell you exactly what I am doing. It's kind of sad, but such is life. Summertime is usually the exception. I sleep and roll out of bed and do whatever I please. Except, there is this reality of having a job.

Welcome back to the DQ. I will admit, I was really excited about returning to my first job. Why? I don't know. It might have to do with the people I work with. The fact that I get to work in the zoo. Or that I actually might enjoy the work.

This week was the first full week back. A welcome dose of reality, I suppose. I learned several new things at work-something that is rather impressive since this will be my third summer back. This week I learned how to make sandwiches, salads, and wraps. I learned how to be a better fryer. And I learned why people don't entrust me with water hoses.

My patience was tested on several occasions. Instead of flipping out, I prayed. And you know, that seems to be a more effective method of dealing with situations. I am trying to be constantly mindful of my thoughts and actions. I don't want to be a once-a-week Christian. I want my everything to speak to Christ. I am nowhere near perfect, but I do try. I think that is really all Christ asks from us. To treat life as a gift and to use our time wisely.

Until later.


Kaitlyn Beer said...

you are an inspiration to us all.


love, katie

Scott and Karin said...

We took the kids to the zoo the other day and they both looked over at DQ, expecting you to be there. Alas, DQ wasn't opened yet. We will have to try again. Welcome home!