Everyone makes a list at some point in their lives. Grocery lists, birthday wish lists, Christmas lists, etc. etc. I live for lists. Lists give me a sense of control over my life (as little as it may be).
I have a Mortar board and it I list what classes I have for the day. Next to that, I put what homework assignments need to be done. There is a spot at the end of the day for a to-do list. And at the end of the week there is a section called "notes." That in turn becomes a to-do list. There is a purple notebook that sits on my desk and all it has in it are lists. I have packing lists, to-do lists, homework lists, and a list of people's favorite candy bars (no joke).
I have often wondered what would happen if I stopped making lists. I know the answer, though. The list would just become internal and it would play like a song worse than "It's A Small World." Life really isn't predictable though. You can't plan for an emergency phone call or a last minute lunch date. There are no spaces on to-do lists for these things. I am trying to live my life less of my lists and instead enjoy the margins in my day. It's a work in progress though...I can still see that to-do list telling me that I need to get my studying done and stop blogging...
ohh becca, I love you and your to-do lists. I wish I was as organized as you sometimes. but I think descheduling your life will really decrease the stress level. even though that doesn't sound like it makes sense haha.
whenever I feel overwhelmed, I just take a DEEP breath and remember that God is in control and I don't have to be perfect. it really, really helps.
I totally know what you mean with these lists. It seems like sometimes lists are going to take over my entire life. BUT as long as you don't let them take over your life they really are okay! just leave room for spontaneity :)
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