Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Today I realized that I spend a large proportion of my day walking. I calculate that I spend at least an hour if not more each day just walking places. That's pretty impressive. And then that got me thinking about walking. Of course, this involves my feet and my legs cooperating with me. What if one day my legs just decided to not work. That they wanted a day off? That would be pretty devastating for me. I mean, my legs almost never get a break. Even when I am sitting I still am fidgeting my feet. So all of this to say, take some time to appreciate what you have!


Kaitlyn Beer said...

I love my legs.

and you.

Jake Daghe said...

Hey! another blogger at Purdue! I really like your stuff its short and to the point. You should check out my blog site at!
I am a freshman at Purdue and just blogging for fun!

Thanks and keep it up!